My new foray into the world of childcare has officially begun! For the past couple of weeks I've been taking care of a sweet three-year old girl. It's been fun and exhausting at the same time. It's surprisingly taxing to always be playing some sort of role (teacher, patient, mom, dog ((yes, dog)), principal, etc.) when you are a twenty-seven-year old girl! I'm glad she's an imaginative child though, and I certainly don't want to be the one to kill that imagination. By the way, I think I've raved about the Goodwill in a previous post, but I got all of the above-pictured items at the Goodwill for well under $10 (total). I'm completely addicted to thrift stores and garage sales now.
Paul has been very busy getting ready for school which is to start this Wednesday if all goes as planned. He is down at the school today (Sat.) helping to move furniture into classrooms, although his classroom still needs to be painted and carpeted. It's funny because last year the room he was in at the old location had odds and ends stored in it and tiles hanging off the ceiling until 2 days before school began, and so it was a last minute push to get his room set up for the first day of school. I guess this year will prove to be the same. Maybe that's just part of the profession - you have to be flexible. This year Paul is teaching grammar (which encompasses English & Latin grammar) for 6th, 7th, & 8th grades, literature for 7th & 8th grades, and Bible for 6th grade. So, six classes total, with 2 periods for each grade - a nice balance. Oh, plus once a week he'll be teaching a guitar elective.
Anyway there you have it - another brief update on our lives. And, once again, I'll try to get Paul to post something. He really does have something to post about too and it's pretty cool. A couple of things actually. I have to laugh as I am typing because my right ring finger has this humongous monstrosity of a blister on the knuckle. I threw some zucchini (homegrown from our own garden, I might add...) into some very hot olive oil last night (stupid, huh?) and received a nice splash of burning oil on my poor unsuspecting finger. Not only that, but this burning flesh came in addition to my awful cold which began with a sore throat and high fever and has settled into a nice seal-bark cough. The idiom when it rains it pours seems to be an accurate assessment of the way things go in the Johnson household. I guess that's just life.
i'm excited for your new childcare venture! And i'm a huge fan of thrift stores too, in fact my friends and i went thrift store shopping for my birthday. ;-)
OH--and congrats to Paul for his new year starting, sounds quite full!! And i'd love to hear him on the blog too. ;-)
Sounds fun, Erica! I love thrift stores and garage sales, too, but I have been pretty let down by the thrift stores up here in Spokane. And unlike the bay area we don't have garage/yard sales once the cold weather settles in. And the cold weather decided to stick around for 8 or 9 months this past year!
It's great to hear about Paul's teaching. Annalisa starts school Monday and she can't wait. That's all she's been talking about for the past month. Poor Alyssa said this past week, "I'm going to miss her; I'm not going to have a friend anymore."
Hope you are feeling better!
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